This past year we spent a considerable amount of time re-designing Caio Terra Online. The goal was to make the site more functional and add a variety of different features. Each section on the site serves its own unique purpose and in this article, I want to talk about the functionality and purpose of the video library.
All online training sites have thousands of videos. My site is one of the more robust with over 2000 videos! It would take you a lifetime to watch and understand all the videos in the video library, so why do I have so many, and why do I keep adding new videos?
The video library section wasn't designed to learn new techniques or positions. You can learn a new position from videos, but that is more the function of lesson plans and I will explain in a separate post. The purpose of the video section is to problem solve and learn new principles and concepts that will give you solutions to problems you encounter in training.
Say you get swept in lasso guard, you could filter Spider guard > Sweeps > Advance > Type Lasso and find the sweep that you got caught with. By learning the sweep you will learn the mechanics and technique that your opponent used to make it happen and be able to counter. You can go a step further to Spider guard > Passes > Advance > Type Lasso and you can have different options given the reaction of your opponent. If you know what he is trying to do with the sweep you can find out how to pass!
I hope this helps you understand how to use this valuable training tool. Should you have any issues or questions, ALL members are encouraged to ask in real-time via the chat feature and we will likely respond immediately or do our best to respond in a few hours. Thank you and Happy New Year!
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